Saturday, December 14, 2019


Continuing with the beautiful energy of this final full moon of the decade - full moon in Gemini - we will dive into the reading using the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot and the Rumi Oracle   So, remember to take time to meditate, grab your supplies, and let's get started.  First out from the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot is the II (2) OF PENTACLES.


Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
The II (2) OF PENTACLES is all about balance.  This may be in terms of balancing your finances, emotions, relationships (family/friends/loved ones), or work endeavors.

The female dancer/ballerina is gracefully balancing 2 PENTACLES in the shape of an infinity symbol on one leg.  The large red flower in her hair symbolizes how grounded and centered she is.  The waves in the background is representative of how she easily goes with the flow and advises you to do the same.  For this is how you truly bring yourself into balance and alignment.

Numerology:  The number 2 is all about balance, companionship and union.  The most important union is between the DF and DM within you.  Once this is achieved, then are you able to have balance within an external relationship.  The fact that the II OF PENTACLES is drawing number 24 in this deck is very significant.  As previously stated regarding the number 2, the four (4)  simply underscores the fact that you will be stable and able to build on a solid foundation.  As long as you stay grounded and centered, you will be able to balance anything.  Together two (2) & four (4) equal six (6) which is again about balance, reciprocity, and love.  So, not only will you be grounded, stable, and balanced, but you will also be fulfilled emotionally.



Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
The DEATH card is one of the most beautiful yet under appreciated tarot cards in my opinion.  It holds a lot of weight simply because it is the epitome of transformation.  The butterfly in the woman's hair is symbolic of this transformation.  The DEATH card possesses scorpionic energy.  Once you go through this transformation, you will come out balanced, stable and grounded with the energy behind the red roses.  You will be strong, virtuous, and divinely protected with the energy of the white rose on the shield.  There is a whole new world that awaits beyond the horizon(s).
  • Spirituality:  This can refer to you ending karmic cycles and ascending to another level or dimension.
  • Love/Romance:  If you are single, this can be in reference to ending karmic cycles and coming into a new ideal of self-love.  If you are in a relationship, this can mean either ending a karmic relationship or ending a karmic lesson within your relationship and taking it to another level.  This can be in regards to family/friends as well.
  • Work/Business:  You may be going through changes at your job, quitting your job to start something new, or transitioning into self-employment.  If you already own your own business or are self-employed, then you may be ending one project and beginning another.
Numerology:  Interestingly enough, the DEATH card is one of the two cards within the major arcana that does not have its respective Roman numeral on it in this deck (the other being THE EMPRESS).  However, the DEATH holds the power of number 13 (XIII).  Looking at Roman numerals, X (10) is representative of the completion of cycles and beginning anew especially followed by three ones (I = 1).  The number 1 speaks of new beginnings.  The fact that there are three of them is symbolic of you coming into harmony mind, body and soul after going through this DEATH and transformation.  You will be grounded and stable with the number 13 reducing to the number 4.

DEATH is drawing number 22 in this deck and that is no coincidence.  The number 22 is a master number  that holds great power in the form of:  diplomacy and adaptability; balance and harmony; intuition and insight; expansion and evolution; philanthropy and service; and manifesting your highest ideals and desires.

Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
The collective energy of the II (2) OF PENTACLES & DEATH speak on the fact that once you complete the cycle of death and rebirth or transformation, you will be even more balanced, stable, grounded, and able to go with the flow to fulfill your soul's mission and purpose which will bring you emotional fulfillment.

In regards to numerology, the combined energy is in the form of number 6 (2 + 1 + 3 = 6) which is all about balance and love.  Also, looking at the drawing numbers 24 & 22 (2 + 4 + 2 + 2 = 10 = 1), speaks to us about ending cycles and beginning anew.  Again, this focuses on the transformative process and the new beginnings that are to follow once the process is complete.



Rumi Oracle
With the HAND OF FATIMAH, the Divine is encouraging you to call on Fatimah when you need a hand, if you need guidance, or a simple touch of love.  The HAND OF FATIMAH brings you blessings and comfort, protection and grace.

This oracle comes as guidance that what is being born in your life right now - whether a new way of being, a new idea, new belief system(s), a new sense of self - is going to mature under the loving protection of the Divine Mother.  This oracle is also telling you that your body is sacred and worth attention.  Allow your inner spirit to come to life while being gentle, loving and caring to your body.  Finally, this oracle advises you to give your body rest, rejuvenation and healing at this time.

Numerology:  The number 43 (4 + 3 = 7) speaks on you coming into balance mind, body, and spirit (holy trinity number 3).  You will be grounded, stable and centered with the energy of number 4.  Together, the number 7 is representative of your spiritual journey, intuition and inner-wisdom, enlightenment, psychic abilities, and manifesting/manifestation.


In going through this transformative process, please remember to be gentle, kind and nurturing to yourself.  Understand that it is perfectly okay for you to shed those big, crocodile tears.  Put on your very best, most beautiful-ugly cry face that you have in your arsenal.  Trust me, THIS IS A MUST!  Never look at yourself in disgust!  Keep regaining your own trust.

You have to remember everything goes through death and rebirth as long as it's alive because that's part of evolution and the circle of life.  Change your perspective and try not to look at the DEATH as being negative because it is truly a beautiful thing.  This is how we grow and evolve into our higher selves.  This is how you grow stronger and empower yourself to fulfill your soul's mission.  Remember you are never alone because Spirit is always with you!

The DEATH process has a lot to do with facing your shadow side and inner-demons in order to release them.  Once you do this and using the II OF PENTACLES energy, you are then able to balance the light and dark within you; thus, highlighting duality/polarity.

How does the D.E.G #DEG resonate with you?  What lessons, knowledge and/or wisdom did you gain?  Leave any questions or comments down below!


~o~ D33 ~o~


  • Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
  • Rumi Oracle
For other deck inspiration(s), click HERE.



Friday, December 13, 2019


Continuing with the beautiful energy of this final full moon of the decade - full moon in Gemini - we will dive into the reading using the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot and the Rumi Oracle   So, remember to take time to meditate, grab your supplies, and let's get started.  First out from the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot is THE WORLD (XXI).


Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
THE WORLD is all about completing cycles.  It can be regarding literal world travel or traveling in general.  She is focusing on the road ahead.

This card gives Capricorn and Taurus vibes with the Earth energy for sure.  Earth signs include:  Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn.  The Earth elements are typically grounded, centered, logical and reasonable.  They rule the physical world.  The golden acorn and olive wreath/crown that adorns her hair is all about earthly possessions and material abundance.  The red flower and feather in her hair also embodies Earth energy symbolizing she is rooted or grounded.

Numerology:  Roman numerals XXI (X =  10; 2X = 20 = 2) which is about choices:
  • Where do you want to go?
  • What do you want to do?

It also signifies balance, union and companionship.  With the I = 1 following, the message is that you are completing cycles of either negative thinking; past toxic relationships/friendships/family-ships/situationships; leaving a job or closing a business and are becoming more balanced because you are unifying your Divine Feminine & Masculine energies within you.  Thereby, becoming one (I = 1).  Now, you are ready to take on THE WORLD!

Being drawing number 68 (6 + 8 = 14 = 5) is all about movement, change, and transformations.  We've already discussed you going through personal transformations to become balanced, stable, and grounded.  Now, you may literally travel the world or change locations, jobs, or relationship(s).  The number 6 is all about family/kids, love, beauty, and equal give and take (reciprocity).  So, you may very likely be changing up your personal/family/business relationships.  With the number 8, they will be abundant, eternal or ever-lasting.  You will experience growth and expansion or high-vibrational energies that are meant for you.



Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
With the IX (9) OF WANDS, You have fought long and hard for this.  You have gone through battles with some inner-demons, colleagues, family, friends and/or loved ones to get to where you are now.  You are nearing the end and have completed some very important karmic cycles and can now lay your burdens down.

With the IX OF WANDS being drawing number 1 and Roman numeral IX (9) (1 + 9 = 10 = 1), underscores the fact that you are at the end or completing a cycle or multiple cycles.  Also, looking at the Roman numerals, it's saying you are putting yourself first and ending this (these) cycle(s).  Now, you can begin anew with a new-found passion.  Now, it's time to heal, rest and rejuvenate.

Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
The combined energies are screaming 30 (21 + 9 = 30 = 3) energy and the fact that you are coming into balance mind, body, and spirit because you have worked hard for this.  So, you literally deserve THE WORLD.  THE WORLD is yours and can literally be in the palm of your hand if you manifest it.

The female on THE WORLD card has turned her back to her past trials and tribulations and is looking towards her dreams and aspirations.  She's not focused on any negativity from her past.  You should not be either.  In order to manifest greatness, you must live and learn from your past, but keep yourself in a  position to grow and prosper.  Do not get stuck in the negative, "woe is me", low-vibrational energy.  Move out of that vibe quickly so that you can fulfill your destiny.



Rumi Oracle
This oracle card speaks for itself and really underscores the last point made above underneath the collective energy.  13. ARISE is saying rise up out of whatever low-vibrational energy state you may have been in and get into gear.  Do not allow ego to keep you in fear and in hiding.  We all go through trials and tribulations, but the difference between a fighter and a quitter is their response.  Are you going to succumb to the illusion of devastation or are you going to possess the IX OF WANDS energy and fight teeth and nails to get up out of that depression and into the light?

Allow Spirit to be your guiding light and help you out of the darkness.  13. ARISE comes as advice and support that lets you know you have nothing to fear.  Spirit is always near.  They are letting you know that by spreading your love & light, everything will be alright!  Looking at numerology and the number 4, this card comes as advice that you will be stable, grounded and have a solid foundation.  The red in this card highlights the Root Chakra which is all about being grounded and foundational.  The white light is telling you to stay connected to the Divine.


This message could not have come at a better time from the Divine!  Now that we are in the energy realm of the final full moon of the decade, the energy that we received through these cards is a metaphor to the closing of some doors.  Bringing in 2020, we can open up more!  I hope you are ready for what 2020 has in store.  The manifestations that we are bound to make will last forever more.

I don't know about you, but I'm ready to see THE WORLD!  I'm ready to be that girl or woman for it is the Divine's plan.  I'm just a vessel to be used to hopefully show you how to move. So, let me be your muse!  Follow me as we use our creativity to blow this thing wide open and fulfill our destinies. What do we say along the way?  "Spread LOVE & LIGHT, and EVERYTHING will be alright!"

How does the D.E.G #DEG resonate with you?  What lessons, knowledge and/or wisdom did you gain?  Leave any questions or comments down below!


~o~ D33 ~o~


  • Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
  • Rumi Oracle
For other deck inspiration(s), click HERE.






I hear they say, "Home is where the heart is!"
If that’s so, how come I don’t feel welcome?
Feeling more like a let down.
Somewhat of a disappointment - disjointed.  But why?!

I have to get from under its’ power…tastes a bit sour.
Destroy that tower so that I can rebuild anew…
…Stronger, fonder, much more filled with wander.
Destined to make a change to fix the blunder.
Will it ever change?, I wonder.

For now healing is a must!
Repair my heart with trust not lust.
Help it to remain strong and withstand the rush…
…Rush of emotions…rush of the storm…
…Rush to make a decision out of disgust…
…But for what?  For the norm?

I’m on a new journey to find my home.
Gotta figure out where my heart is or if it wants to be alone.
Until then, I will sit on my throne in my zone:
Praying, meditating, saying, “(H)OOOME..!”

So, where is your heart?  I'm not just talking about a physical place or location.  What do you like to do that makes your heart sing and feel like you're on a vacation?  What makes your heart skip a beat and allows you to vibe to the rhythm of your own drums?  What do you like to do to have some fun?  Let me know below!

Always remember, "Spread LOVE & LIGHTI, and EVERYTHING will be alright!"


~o~ D33 ~o~



Thursday, December 12, 2019


With the beautiful energy of this final full moon of the decade - full moon in Gemini - we will dive into the reading using the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot and the Rumi Oracle   So, remember to take time to meditate, grab your supplies, and let's get started.  First out from the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot is the ACE OF CUPS.


Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
The ACE OF CUPS is a divine offer of love.  This is pure love and fulfilling, so much so that your cup runneth over.  This is a renewal of unconditional love, secured love that will fill you with that glow.  It lights your soul up.  That lotus flower bomb, firefly, when you're low, it takes you high!  This offer will teach you all he sounds of love. (Shouts out to Wale and Miguel with the hit record!).  You earned this offer.  Like the lotus flower, it is destined to be a true thing of beauty.
  • Spiritually:  It may be in the form of self-love or agape love from the Divine.
  • Love/Romance:  If you are single, then someone may be offering you their cup of love or you to them.  If in a partnership/relationship, you will be renewing your love for one another, going to the next level of commitment or renewing your vows.
  • Work/Business:  You may receive an offer of new-found love in a project or business proposal.
  • Numerology:  It is drawing number 65.  Six (6) is all about love, beauty, balance, reciprocity, family and kids.  The number 5 is about change, movement, and transformations.  Therefore, love as you know it is changing, transforming, and becoming a new or leveling up from what you are use to.  Together, numbers 5 & 6 have the potential to become master number 11 (see notes from 38. THE COURAGE OF YOUR LOVE) which signifies how divine this offer is.  Most importantly, 11 reduces to the number 2.  Although you typically do not reduce master numbers, the message behind the energy of number 2 is significant.  The number 2 highlights choices, balance, companionship, union and a spiritual connection.  The messages and energies of all of these numbers (2, 5, 6, 11) are very clear and perfect for underscoring the divine message.



Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
The KNIGHT OF WANDS and the wands suit overall is all about that fire energy associated with fire signs:  Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.  These signs are typically very passionate, strong, courageous, loyal leaders.  They know what they desire and go after it passionately.  The knight of any suit generally signifies movement, however, she's standing still.  If the knights were numbered it would logically be number 12 which reduces to three (3).  Three (3) represents growth or expansion.  She's ready to go after what she wants.  She's armed and ready to take on whatever she has to in order to fulfill all of her desires.  At the same time the KNIGHT OF WANDS advises against impulsivity.

You are eyeing your mission and ready to take the necessary steps forward to fulfill your desires.  Someone may be coming towards you passionately or desiring to be with you in a passionate way.  In work/business you may want to expand or move on a passionate idea.  Whichever scenario resonates with you, be sure you are not too impulsive and plan out your attack.

With this card being drawing number 31 tells me that you are on a journey to self-discovery.  You are constantly growing, changing, and expanding.  You are coming together as one (1) mind, body, and spirit (the holy trinity energy of the number 3).  Together, numbers 1 & 3 are a four (4) which is all about stability, foundation, inner-wisdom, patience, determination, discipline, honesty & integrity, and progress.  You will be stable in your growth and can build on a solid foundation as long as you remember to continue to progress being determined, relying on your inner-wisdom and having patience.

Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
The collective energy of the ACE OF CUPS and the KNIGHT OF WANDS is telling you to passionately seek all that you desire with this renewed love whether it is spiritual, personal/relational, or work/business.  The Divine will utilize people, places, and things to light your fire and desire in order to rekindle your higher vibrational energy of joy, happiness, and emotional fulfillment so that you can manifest what it is you truly want and do what it takes to achieve it.  You will be so elated that you will be overflowing with love to share!

The overall numerological energy is within the number 6 (6 + 5 + 3 + 1 = 15 = 6).  As we know, six (6) has everything to do with love, beauty, balance, reciprocity, family/kids, and harmony.  Therefore, you will be balanced and full of love with this offer and ultimately going after what you desire.  Just remember not to be too impulsive, have no fear, and maintain your focus.



Rumi Oracle
This card screams Root Chakra and being passionate yet grounded with the fiery reds.  This oracle also embodies energies of the fire signs:  Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.  Therefore, THE WILD RED MOTHER not only brings out the passion but also brings forth the inner courage, strength, loyalty, and leadership.

This oracle comes as advice to let go of systematic belief systems and "needing to know" anything.  It is calling you to trust in the passions and desires of your own heart and the things that really move you whether it makes sense or appears to be logical or not.  This oracle advises you to lay ego to rest and listen to the passion in your heart that makes you feel alive which is more important than any restriction(s) of society, opinion/judgment of others, or fear from yourself or that of others.

Numerology:  The energy of number 9 (3 + 6 = 9; see numbers 3 & 6 above) states you are nearing the end of a cycle.  In this case, Spirit is letting you know that you are done caring about what the world may say or think.  You are only concerned with following your heart, your passion and your desires which will ultimately be fulfilling your soul's purpose.


It's amazing to see the energy and to know that you are now ready to follow the path to your destiny! With this new offer of love, your cup will be filled by the divine doves.  No longer will you be holding back in fear.  Now, you have the strength, courage, passion, dedication and desire to move on, my dear.  Arm yourself with divine protection and allow Spirit to be your greatest weapon.  Just always remember to, "Spread LOVE & LIGHT, and EVERYTHING will be alright!"

How does the D.E.G #DEG resonate with you?  What lessons, knowledge and/or wisdom did you gain?  Leave any questions or comments down below!


~o~ D33 ~o~


  • Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
  • Rumi Oracle
For other deck inspiration(s), click HERE.




Photo Credit:  Designed by Dreams Photography


When you shine so bright at the peak of midnight and your glow so strong they mistake you for the sun.  Not realizing that you are the one simply a reflection of the sun.  Showing your beautiful backside in attempts to have fun.

Photo Credit:  Designed by Dreams Photography

I am forever grateful I've been made to witness it.  For I know the final full illumination of the night's biggest star in this decade did not appear at 12:12 AM on 12.12.2019 by mistake.  You have to understand that this is outrageous confirmation and synchronization!

Check this out.  I'm sure to blow your mind without a doubt.  First, let's look at the date to get this straight.  2019 is known as a universal three (3) year.  What that means is if we focus on numerology and combine the numbers to make it more simple to follow me (2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12 = 3), then we get the number 3, you see?!  Three (3) is the number of:  growth; expansion; abundance; harmony of mind, body & soul/spirit; freedom; inspiration; creativity; the visionary; self-expression; and being open-minded.

So, literally, if you break today's date down it would be 3.3.3 or a 9 which is all about spiritual enlightenment/awakening and nearing the end of a cycle.  No coincidence that this is the last full moon of the decade.  No coincidence that it reaches its full potential at 12:12 AM EST either.  Again, looking at numerology, the time reduces to master number 33.  The beauty of all these threes (3's) is a sight to see!  Multiple threes (3's) just magnifies its power.

Photo Credit:  Designed by Dreams Photography

So, when your GLOW UP so strong you shine so bright among the midnight sky; All anyone can do is bask in your delight!  As always, remember to "Spread LOVE & LIGHT, and EVERYTHING will be alright!"


~o~ D33 ~o~






Whispers of Lord Ganesha


No coincidence I am told to look at the time when I finally decide to open my eyes.  The light slumber keeps me in wonder.  What do I dream?  What do I see?  What does all this mean to me?

Dreams of loved ones in a rocky relationship.  Wondering whether or not they’re going to make it.  I pray they have enough strength to take it.  A weak foundation they must break it.  Then, rebuild even stronger in order to make it.

The next part is a little cloudy.  Something feels sneaky or like it’s hidden.  What is it and why do I have this vision?

In the current moment, I see rainbows inside as I close my eyes.  Trying to catch the vibe.  Trying to feel alive.  Carefree.  Just trying to be.  Ready to follow the path that’s meant for me.  Without hesitation and most definitely without frustration.  Only gratification and manifestations.  I must be patient knowing it takes dedication.  Consistency is key to fulfilling my destiny.  Have a pure heart despite how it was from the start.  Never fall apart.  Always remember to follow your heart and be smart.

Knowledge and wisdom are from lessons learned.  Understanding - that is the greatest reward earned.  Loving and enjoying every minute of it.  Respecting the strides I’ve made and not taking anything for granted.  Roots I have implanted.  Now watch them grow, flow, steal the show because you already know!

Trust your intuition.  It provides the greatest rendition of how your story unfolds.  You must be bold.  Have a stronghold - over your emotions that is - in order to keep you grounded.  You have to be able to bring yourself down if you’re ready to pound (it).  For it’s the beauty within you that you have found.

How sweet it is!  Just to be able to live - carefree that is.  Not worried or wondering yet taking it all in and pondering.  Thinking about how spirit continuously makes a way to provide for me each and every day.  True definition of grace.  I am blessed and highly favored.  My faith does not waiver.  I know without a doubt that love is what it’s all about.

The more you give, the more you receive.  That’s with ANYTHING!  Spreading LOVE & LIGHT is my fight.  I vow to do so with all my might.  So, don’t come around me with all that negativity.  An attitude of gratitude is the place to be.  Especially if you want to manifest your destiny.  So, if you have not heard that anywhere else, you heard it from me, D33.  This next part I want you to always remember and quote me:
“The choice is mine powered by the Divine!”

Repeat this affirmation several times and you will be fine!


~o~ D33 ~o~


These numbers were given to me from Spirit while creating this piece:  433 & 644.  I pray they are helpful to you.  Take a moment and research the meaning(s) behind these numbers.  I definitely understand clearly the message for me!  I highly recommend using Sacred Scribes by Joanne Walmsley where you can search lots of multi-digit number sequences and gather their meaning(s) or message(s).  You can simply type whatever number(s) you want an explanation for in the search box in the top left hand corner of her blog page.  Her site is a very good source for clarity and understanding.

Always remember, "Spread LOVE & LIGHT, and EVERYTHING will be alright!"



Wednesday, December 11, 2019


We will conduct today's D.E.G #DEG using the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot and the Rumi Oracle.  Before we begin, don’t forget to take time to meditate in order to receive the message(s) meant for you.  Grab your supplies, and let’s get started.  First out from the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot is THE MAGICIAN.


Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot

The energy of THE MAGICIAN is saying you are the one (I) - master of your fate and co-creator of your destiny.  The power to manifest greatness is literally in your hand.  You must respect the power you have and only use it for good; else it may quickly turn venomous and light you up!  You have all the tools you need at your disposal (cup, sword, wand, pentacle).  The white lily is symbolic of purity, virtue and majesty.

Numerology:  One (I) represents new beginnings, starting anew, creation, independence, uniqueness, ambition & will power, self-leadership & assertiveness, instinct & intuition, and manifesting your own realities.  THE MAGICIAN is drawing number 29 in this deck.  The number 2 is about choices, balance, duality/polarity, harmony, companionship and union.  The number 9 (simply a reversed number 6 - love, beauty, etc.) represents universal love, karma, spiritual awakening/enlightenment, humanitarianism, light workers, self-sacrifice, destiny and fulfilling your soul's purpose.  Together, numbers 2 & 9 have the power/potential to become master number 11 (see notes from 38. THE COURAGE OF YOUR LOVE).



Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot

THE FOOL talks about taking a calculated risk.  Be adventurous and spontaneous.  However, understand that there are dangers and consequences that come with being reckless.  There is a difference between taking a BIG risk versus a calculated one.  Therefore, the snake advises of the ever-looming dangers of throwing caution to the wind.  Follow your intuition that is represented in the color yellow which is symbolic of the solar plexus chakra where it resides and gives you signs (AKA that "gut feeling").  Use your intuition as guidance and you will always be okay!

In this particular deck, THE FOOL is grounded and rooted, thereby stable in her decision-making with the red feather and stone/jewel around her neck.  She's also pure, virtuous and innocent with her white pearls around her neck (see notes on pearl colors underneath QUEEN OF CUPS).  The white tulip represents love, purity, innocence, worthiness, forgiveness, and humility.

If you know the story behind tarot, you know that THE FOOL (0) is the start of it all and almost like the main character of sorts for the story line of the major arcana.  This is represented in the number zero (0).  Zero (0) represents a continuous cycle, infinity/eternity, endings and beginnings.  Thus, you are being advised to be spontaneous, take a leap of faith, and maybe change directions, take another path/approach, or just try something new and different from the norm.

With THE FOOL being drawing number 33, this is representative of an Ascended Master or master teacher.  You have the energy of compassion, blessings, inspiration, discipline, honesty, bravery and courage.  Therefore, you have nothing to fear for taking this leap of faith.

Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot

There is no coincidence the cards come out the way they do.  The message is clear.  You must first end/complete certain cycles in order to begin anew starting with zero (0) or THE FOOL.  This explains why this is the overall energy.  Spirit is advising you that it is safe to jump, to fly, to reach the sky.  Cast all of your fears or worries aside.  Everything will be alright if you allow your intuition to be your guide.

Remain grounded and balanced mentally and emotionally in order to properly manifest your heart's desires which is ultimately your soul's purpose using THE MAGICIAN'S energy.  It is imperative to remain balanced/stable and to only use your power for good as not to cause harm because both THE FOOL & THE MAGICIAN energies reflect karma.  So, what goes around comes right back around to you.  Always be in a good head space and balanced emotionally because the power of your manifestation is amplified by your emotional state.  In other words, like I always say, "An attitude of gratitude will manifest in magnitudes!"  So, what you think and feel, so shall it be.  Thus, if you think negative and are feeling down, then that will be your reality.  On the flip side of the same token (duality), if you are vining high in gratefulness, then what is on your mind at the time will surely manifest.



Rumi Oracle

Your guardian angels, ancestors, and spirit guides are advising you that you are making THE RIGHT CHOICE.  Multiple messages are coming thru:
  1. You are THE RIGHT CHOICE!  CHOOSE YOU!  Put yourself first!  Love yourself enough to know you are worth the risk.  Use your magical powers to manifest your destiny.  Many of you are on your way along your spiritual awakening journey of enlightenment.  There is no coincidence that this card being number 29 comes out with THE MAGICIAN (I) which is also connected to number 29 (see explanation of numerology above underneath THE MAGICIAN).  This is a powerful synchronicity!
  2. Love/Romance:  Whatever decision you make in regards to your relationship is THE RIGHT CHOICE.  Whether you are single and decide to take a chance on this new love interest; in a relationship and deciding to take it to the next level; or in a toxic relationship and deciding to cut ties and put yourself first - you are making THE RIGHT CHOICE for you!
  3. Work/Business:  You may be deciding to take a new offer or sign a new contract.  You may be deciding this is not the job for you and want to change careers or go into business for yourself.  You may even want to begin a new project if you are already self-employed.  Whatever decision you are making, it is THE RIGHT CHOICE.
You are divinely guided and protected by your spirit squad.  Trust that they will not lead you astray, but, instead, show you the way.


The message of following your spirit squad on your path of spiritual enlightenment is really strong.  You have nothing left to hold on.  So, be THE FOOL and take that leap of faith.  You will not be disgraced.  For grace and mercy are forever in your favor.  Be THE MAGICIAN and refrain from heavy labor.  Divine intervention never waivers.  The cards don't lie and truly speak for themselves.  I strongly feel that spirit is pushing and daring you to choose yourself!

How does the D.E.G #DEG resonate with you?  What lessons, knowledge and/or wisdom did you gain?  Leave any questions or comments down below!  Always remember, "Spread LOVE & LIGHT, and EVERYTHING will be alright!"


~o~ D33 ~o~


  • Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
  • Rumi Oracle
For other deck inspiration(s), click HERE.





Remembering old time love - someone’s name comes to mind in my dream.  What does it mean?  Who ever said that loving him was so wrong?  What the hell is jungle fever, and who ever started singing that song?  So what, two souls love each other but are stuck in two different skin tones?  That doesn’t make it wrong.  Change the negative connotation behind that song.  Teaching and perpetuating hate is what’s wrong!

Allow true love to shine.  Feel that vibe.  Open your heart and awaken inside.  Don’t try to hide for fear or pride.  Worrying about what everyone else thinks will keep you from your tribe.  Those are the ones who will truly ride or die because they signed up for this.  The mission they came to serve with you is part of their wish list.  The eternal kind.  The one that’s hard to find - truly one of a kind - gifted from the ultimate mastermind!

Peace be still.  This is really real.  Surpasses trill.  Not intentionally trying to make you shrill, but sometimes facing your true self will give you chills.  May have you in your feels if what you see with your mind’s eye truly reveals.  Removing that veil.  For you’ve been living the illusion behind worldly matrimony and confusion thinking what you see with your two eyes balancing your nose is what you’re suppose to accept, including the woes.  No!, this is not true.  I see the change in you.  You’re opening your 3rd eye, Bu!  Now, continue!

Go on about your day.  Go on your merry way.  Key word being merry. Let’s sit here for a moment and tarry.  Tarry with the thought.  Tarry with the visions.  Work out a plan to fulfill your grand mission.  The more you continue to ascend, the more your ego wants you to pretend, but don’t give in, my friend.  Be the better man or WHOA-man.  Emphasis on WHOA because that’s what they’ll say when you lose control, but that’s okay though.  Don’t stop just because they’re froze.  Stuck in the illusion of time not realizing it’s the path to their destiny that they need to find, instead of worrying about mine.  Wait!, I mean yours!  But, of course, yours is mine and mine is yours.  So, let’s bring it back to shore for the lesson I have in store.

Before you go throwing rotten tomatoes, truly understand the meat and potatoes.  If you don’t like meat, you’re still in for a treat.  Sit back and let this seep in deep.  Let’s not get lost in the sauce of my rant although I left several messages within all of that.  You have to turn full circle to the ending which is also the beginning.  This should be a hashtag trending, infinitely.  Let’s just say #infinitetrend!  Yeah, there we go!  Come on, we’re approaching the end.  The message within is wrapped up in a powerful four letter word that so many struggle to comprehend.  Let’s break it down then!  Follow me and please pay close attention!

L - L.O.V.E. - Literally the word itself.  It needs no help.  Just more respect and for you to NEVER forget.  You have to open your heart and allow it to heal.  Then, you will be able to truly feel.  The power of LOVE that’s really real.  It will leave you saying, “OH, WOW! HOW BEAUTIFUL!  THIS IS MAGICAL!  FANTASTIC, BRO!”  The feeling is mutual.

O - “ONE LOVE”.  I’m pulling out the Bob Marley buds for this stud.  The letter “O” or the circle is powerful in and of itself, yo.  I don’t think y’all feel the flow.  Check it though.  “O” is never-ending, eternal - a representation of infinity.  So, in the term “ONE LOVE” you get a double dose of this infinite greatness.  Just like you get a double dose of messages.  Now, wait a minute!

Message #1:  The “ONE” in “ONE LOVE” first and foremost represents the love of ONEself which is of utmost importance.  If you lack self-love, then tell me how will you have love for anyone else?  Now, once you find and conquer ONE LOVE for self, you then will be able to have love for “ONE” as in the collective because we are all “ONE” and connected.  You may have to withdraw and go deep inside yourself to figure that one out.  I mean get introspective.  Anyway, while you ponder that, I will move on to the next one.

Message #2:  If you transpose the letters in the word “ONE”, you find a NEW word, “NEO”, emphasis on NEW.  For “NEW” is truly the definition of the word “NEO”, Bu!  No, I’m not trying to confuse you.  In fact, I’m trying to make it simple.  If you need to stop, think about it, and reread it; please do.  I want you to have a full understanding of the truth I’m trying desperately to reveal to you.  Anywho…back to NEO/NEW.  When you change the letter order, you can see it from a different view.  It’s LOVE made anew.  It’s renewed just like you when you come out of the negative world-views.  Baby, I promise you!  The NEW LOVE you find will stand the test of time because it follows the “O” or circle which is eternal.  Do you follow?

V - VALUE goes back to respect, Bu.  Always remember people respect what they value.  To that which is valued, they will remain true.  Just like with everything else I’ve been trying to teach you, it starts with self, Bu.  It’s very simple.  Check your self-worth.  Complete this exercise and really be honest - don’t lie!  What do you have to hide?  This is about you and what you feel inside.  Let spirit be your inner guide.  This should not take too much of your time.  5-10 minutes is fine.  Take a look in the mirror and tell me what you see.  The key is to remove the negativity.  If you are not grateful and in love with every thing you see, then, I suggest you do this exercise daily until you really see your true beauty.  You’re flawless!  Baby, you’re GAAAW-GEOUS!  Write it down.  Say it out loud.  Wear your crown.  The point is to embrace your inner beauty and see the truth.  For within you, there is VALUE!

E - EVER-LASTING/ETERNAL.  Let’s bring it back again full circle.  It’s all intertwined.  The riddle we are trying to unwind.  I’m sorry if I’ve taken too much of your time.  Sometimes I get carried away in my rhymes and lose track of time.  This is the last one, I promise.  Let’s bring it back to this full circle moment.  Let’s wrap this up and end this so that you can go work on mending it.  Just remember this:  true love is eternal…it’s divine…it’s timeless…it’s unconditional. It’s limitless and unbound.  Unconditional love doesn’t care if you’re red, orange, yellow or brown.  It’s Ray Charles to so-called race, religion, sexual orientation, gender or creed.  All REAL love wants to do is feed the need.  The need for the world is to be set free.  Free from bondage, free from mental slavery, free from programming, free from doing it their way!  Free to simply be and spread LOVE & LIGHT eternally!

In closing and as I always say, please continue to “spread LOVE & LIGHT, and EVERYTHING will be alright!”


~o~  D33 ~o~

