Saturday, December 14, 2019


Continuing with the beautiful energy of this final full moon of the decade - full moon in Gemini - we will dive into the reading using the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot and the Rumi Oracle   So, remember to take time to meditate, grab your supplies, and let's get started.  First out from the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot is the II (2) OF PENTACLES.


Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
The II (2) OF PENTACLES is all about balance.  This may be in terms of balancing your finances, emotions, relationships (family/friends/loved ones), or work endeavors.

The female dancer/ballerina is gracefully balancing 2 PENTACLES in the shape of an infinity symbol on one leg.  The large red flower in her hair symbolizes how grounded and centered she is.  The waves in the background is representative of how she easily goes with the flow and advises you to do the same.  For this is how you truly bring yourself into balance and alignment.

Numerology:  The number 2 is all about balance, companionship and union.  The most important union is between the DF and DM within you.  Once this is achieved, then are you able to have balance within an external relationship.  The fact that the II OF PENTACLES is drawing number 24 in this deck is very significant.  As previously stated regarding the number 2, the four (4)  simply underscores the fact that you will be stable and able to build on a solid foundation.  As long as you stay grounded and centered, you will be able to balance anything.  Together two (2) & four (4) equal six (6) which is again about balance, reciprocity, and love.  So, not only will you be grounded, stable, and balanced, but you will also be fulfilled emotionally.



Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
The DEATH card is one of the most beautiful yet under appreciated tarot cards in my opinion.  It holds a lot of weight simply because it is the epitome of transformation.  The butterfly in the woman's hair is symbolic of this transformation.  The DEATH card possesses scorpionic energy.  Once you go through this transformation, you will come out balanced, stable and grounded with the energy behind the red roses.  You will be strong, virtuous, and divinely protected with the energy of the white rose on the shield.  There is a whole new world that awaits beyond the horizon(s).
  • Spirituality:  This can refer to you ending karmic cycles and ascending to another level or dimension.
  • Love/Romance:  If you are single, this can be in reference to ending karmic cycles and coming into a new ideal of self-love.  If you are in a relationship, this can mean either ending a karmic relationship or ending a karmic lesson within your relationship and taking it to another level.  This can be in regards to family/friends as well.
  • Work/Business:  You may be going through changes at your job, quitting your job to start something new, or transitioning into self-employment.  If you already own your own business or are self-employed, then you may be ending one project and beginning another.
Numerology:  Interestingly enough, the DEATH card is one of the two cards within the major arcana that does not have its respective Roman numeral on it in this deck (the other being THE EMPRESS).  However, the DEATH holds the power of number 13 (XIII).  Looking at Roman numerals, X (10) is representative of the completion of cycles and beginning anew especially followed by three ones (I = 1).  The number 1 speaks of new beginnings.  The fact that there are three of them is symbolic of you coming into harmony mind, body and soul after going through this DEATH and transformation.  You will be grounded and stable with the number 13 reducing to the number 4.

DEATH is drawing number 22 in this deck and that is no coincidence.  The number 22 is a master number  that holds great power in the form of:  diplomacy and adaptability; balance and harmony; intuition and insight; expansion and evolution; philanthropy and service; and manifesting your highest ideals and desires.

Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
The collective energy of the II (2) OF PENTACLES & DEATH speak on the fact that once you complete the cycle of death and rebirth or transformation, you will be even more balanced, stable, grounded, and able to go with the flow to fulfill your soul's mission and purpose which will bring you emotional fulfillment.

In regards to numerology, the combined energy is in the form of number 6 (2 + 1 + 3 = 6) which is all about balance and love.  Also, looking at the drawing numbers 24 & 22 (2 + 4 + 2 + 2 = 10 = 1), speaks to us about ending cycles and beginning anew.  Again, this focuses on the transformative process and the new beginnings that are to follow once the process is complete.



Rumi Oracle
With the HAND OF FATIMAH, the Divine is encouraging you to call on Fatimah when you need a hand, if you need guidance, or a simple touch of love.  The HAND OF FATIMAH brings you blessings and comfort, protection and grace.

This oracle comes as guidance that what is being born in your life right now - whether a new way of being, a new idea, new belief system(s), a new sense of self - is going to mature under the loving protection of the Divine Mother.  This oracle is also telling you that your body is sacred and worth attention.  Allow your inner spirit to come to life while being gentle, loving and caring to your body.  Finally, this oracle advises you to give your body rest, rejuvenation and healing at this time.

Numerology:  The number 43 (4 + 3 = 7) speaks on you coming into balance mind, body, and spirit (holy trinity number 3).  You will be grounded, stable and centered with the energy of number 4.  Together, the number 7 is representative of your spiritual journey, intuition and inner-wisdom, enlightenment, psychic abilities, and manifesting/manifestation.


In going through this transformative process, please remember to be gentle, kind and nurturing to yourself.  Understand that it is perfectly okay for you to shed those big, crocodile tears.  Put on your very best, most beautiful-ugly cry face that you have in your arsenal.  Trust me, THIS IS A MUST!  Never look at yourself in disgust!  Keep regaining your own trust.

You have to remember everything goes through death and rebirth as long as it's alive because that's part of evolution and the circle of life.  Change your perspective and try not to look at the DEATH as being negative because it is truly a beautiful thing.  This is how we grow and evolve into our higher selves.  This is how you grow stronger and empower yourself to fulfill your soul's mission.  Remember you are never alone because Spirit is always with you!

The DEATH process has a lot to do with facing your shadow side and inner-demons in order to release them.  Once you do this and using the II OF PENTACLES energy, you are then able to balance the light and dark within you; thus, highlighting duality/polarity.

How does the D.E.G #DEG resonate with you?  What lessons, knowledge and/or wisdom did you gain?  Leave any questions or comments down below!


~o~ D33 ~o~


  • Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
  • Rumi Oracle
For other deck inspiration(s), click HERE.



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