Thursday, December 5, 2019



As a child, I often wondered why Ms. Cleo and other psychic mediums are such taboo especially because I always remember that area of study or expertise being so fascinating to me.  I also remember feeling like I would get in trouble or chastised if I were caught watching or even showing interest.  Now that I have embraced another part of my calling and am even more determined to fulfill my destiny before transitioning from this realm, I feel it's only right to share what I am learning in hopes to inspire other young souls not to be afraid of what they truly feel deep down; to embrace their inner calling and follow their intuition as guidance on their own road to fulfill their purpose here in this lifetime no matter who or what may try to get in their way.

Another part of my calling is to be a healer and a teacher.  So, my goal is to use what I know and have learned (and continue to learn for that matter) to help heal the hearts and minds of the lost and weary or all those looking for spiritual guidance and energy healing.  Wherever you are on your journey or life path, you can always use a little help along the way.  That is my purpose here on this platform.  So, as I say, "Spread LOVE & LIGHT, and EVERYTHING will be alright!"  Let's jump into today's lesson and guidance!


The goal for the remainder of this month is to bring to you the D.E.G #DEG along with respective intuitively guided explanations of what is presented in the cards.  I will always have the name of the decks being used underneath each photo.  Without further ado, let's jump right into!


Everyday Tarot

The energy behind the FOUR OF CUPS is saying that you are currently unappreciative of or disinterested in the coffers that are being presented to you.  You are saying, "No!" to any offer whether in romance or regarding a job offer/opportunity/advancement that is either unfulfilling or not satisfying your interests.  You feel the grass may be greener on the other side.

FOUR OF CUPS in health is saying that you are allowing yourself to be victimized by your poor health.  You are not taking advantage of your current health or physical strength.

The advice behind the FOUR OF CUPS is to count your blessings.  Be grateful for what you have in the here and now because at any time you have the potential to loose it all.  The situation can always be worse, and if you want to make it better; then, change it!


The BOD is exactly what it says, the card at the bottom of the deck.  This presents a more in-depth idea of what the energy is really like especially if the cards that flip are a little confusing or misleading.  The BOD will give you the whole truth - so help you, God!


Everyday Tarot

The SEVEN OF PENTACLES can represent manifestation of ideas/ambitions/goals in love/romance, job/material wealth, or health.  So, now would be a great time to make it happen.  This is also the card of investing, harvesting, cultivation, growing, planning, patience and finishing what you started.

Everyday Tarot

The SEVEN OF PENTACLES clarifying the FOUR OF CUPS is underscoring the fact that you have an abundance of opportunities.  You've planted seeds some time ago that are nearly ready for harvest.  Between the two cards, the number three (3) is prominent or standing out to me.  Whether the timeline is weeks, months or even years is really up to you as energy is fluid and ever-changing.

The two cards together reinforce and represent the idea of reevaluation, of contemplation and nurturing the dream whether in love/romance, job/wealth or health.


Runes Oracle Cards
MANNAZ (20) is balancing light and dark/shadow sides where you're shining the light on illusions and using your intuition to come into your own.  This is the divine union of Yin and Yang, Divine Feminine (DF) and Divine Masculine (DM), respectively.  You feel as if you're "on top of the world" yet grounded.  Now that you've achieved harmony, you are easily able to manifest.  Therefore, this card is all about union and manifestation.


Meaning:  Humanity
Key word:  Cooperation
Association:  Sense of union that all are one and connected to the cosmos
Inspiration:  Unity is strength, and exchange and communication are two key concepts of the card.
Suggestions for meditation:  Focus on relationships with others:
  • Are you able to give and receive affection?
  • Are you at ease with emotions?
  • How well are you able to communicate verbally and with your attitude?
  • Do you commit yourself with enthusiasm to collective projects?
  • Do you feel alone and misunderstood?
Power of the Rune:  MANNAZ makes you cheerful and popular.  It facilitates communication and exchange between you and others.


In viewing the energies as a collective, make sure you are stable, grounded and balanced before trying to manifest anything.  Always have an attitude of gratitude because that attracts your manifestations much more rapidly.  You must remember to keep your energy on a high vibration as to not block your blessings.  Be thankful for all that you have no matter how big or small, but being especially grateful for the little things because that is how you are blessed with more.  The grass is not always greener on the other side, and you may be sitting on a gold mine and not even realize it.  Whatever you are trying to manifest takes patience, planning, perseverance and will come in divine time.  You cannot rush the process!  You do not want to pick your fruit before it's ripe!

How does the D.E.G #DEG resonate with you?  What lessons, knowledge and/or wisdom did you gain?  Leave any questions or comments down below!  Always remember, "Spread LOVE & LIGHT, and EVERYTHING will be alright!"


~o~ D33 ~o~


  • Everyday Tarot
  • Runes Oracle Deck
For other deck inspiration(s), click HERE.




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