Monday, December 9, 2019


We will conduct today's D.E.G #DEG using the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot and the Rumi Oracle.  Before we begin, don’t forget to take time to meditate in order to receive the message(s) meant for you.  Grab your supplies, and let’s get started.  First out from the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot is the PAGE OF SWORDS.


Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot

The PAGE OF SWORDS tells you that you see clearly with your "one" eye (3rd eye) what is true to you.  You rely on your intuition to cut through the thickness of the dark illusionary clouds to seek the truth and the light.  You are rooted in your knowing and deeper understanding.  You relay your message(s) clearly and tenderly.  The chickadee symbolizes fearlessness and adaptability.  The purple peony represents wisdom and nobility.

With the PAGE OF SWORDS being drawing number 46 (4 + 6 = 10 = 1), and first looking at the numbers individually, number 4 is all about a solid foundation and stability where the number 6 is about balance, love, family and reciprocity.  Together, they equal 10 which is about completing cycles and beginning anew.  

The PAGE OF SWORDS advises you that news is on its way and will be crystal clear.  No doubt will be in your mind about it.  You will know whether or not to take another route.



Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot

The QUEEN OF CUPS is emotionally balanced and stable with the two (2) mermaids on either side.  Mermaids symbolize love, beauty, sensual, emotion, and femininity.  The number two (2) represents balance, harmony, union and companionship.  You are receiving divine love from your spiritual connection.  Your 3rd eye is wide open with the pendant on her pearl necklace, filling your cup with all you need.  Different color pearls have different meanings found below:
  • WHITE:  wisdom, clarity, purity;
  • CREAM:  success, elegance, warmth;
  • PEACH:  health, balance, longevity;
  • GOLD:  wealth, abundance, radiance;
  • LAVENDER & PINK:  love, compassion, joy;
  • BLACK:  trust, stability, protection
Your upper chakras (4-7), especially your heart (4th chakra) and throat (5th chakra), are all healed with the turquoise or teal blue-green healing energies coming through.

Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot

The energy behind both the PAGE OF SWORDS & QUEEN OF CUPS collectively is powerful being that they both are a part of the royal court.  There are many different scenarios that can potentially play out when you are reading tarot.  It all depends on your own personal spiritual connection with the divine.  Personally, I feel the cards are saying you may be receiving news that will leave you emotionally fulfilled.

The news can be in regards to love/romance as in a lover may offer you their cup of love or a proposal.  The offer itself may have something to do with wealth/abundance/prosperity coming in the form of a job/business opportunity.  Whatever the scenario, you will know without a doubt whether or not is it meant for you or if you need to take a different route or approach.  The overall outcome is emotional fulfillment and stability which is beautiful energy.


Rumi Oracle

This oracle BEYOND THE THRESHOLD OF FEAR (25) speaks about taking the next step on your journey.  In order to ascend on your spiritual journey, you must come out of the darkness and step into the light.  Follow your intuition which will lead and guide you along your path.  You are coming into union with the Divine Feminine (DF) and Divine Masculine (DM) in the energy behind number two (2).  The number two (2) is all about balance, harmony, companionship, and union.  You are going through great changes and tremendous transformations with the number five (5) energy.

Now it's time to move past all your fears and take that leap of faith.  Your spirit squad is coaching you along the way and holding the light for you to find your way.  Trust in your team for support.  You have a world of abundance waiting for you on the other side if you simply go BEYOND THE THRESHOLD OF FEAR and continue on your life path with the energy behind the number seven (7).  The number seven (7) is all about spiritual enlightenment, spiritual awakening, collective consciousness, inner-wisdom, psychic abilities, and manifesting/manifestation.

(Side note:  there is double confirmation in the number 25 with the QUEEN OF CUPS being the 25th drawing in the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot deck.  This may be significant for you as well as the number(s) two (2), five (5), and seven (7).  If any of these resonate with you, please let me know in the comments below!)


The truth shall set you free, emotionally!  Continue to seek the truth in all that you do.  In doing so, you shall find the true LOVE & LIGHT that resides deep down inside of you.  Be FEARLESS on your journey.  In order to fully ascend, you must cast all your cares/worries/fears aside and allow spirit to be your guide.  They will be by your side with each and every stride!  You can be on a magic carpet ride, Aladdin style.  It's all in how far you allow your imagination to run wild.  Dig down deep to find your inner-child.  Let go.  Have no fear.  For every child believes that ALL of their dreams are real.

Encompass that energy behind the number seven (7), and let's get to stepping and manifesting.  Abundance is meant to flow through the pearls you know.  Full of love, your cup will overflow.  Makes you want to lose control like WHOA!!

How does the D.E.G #DEG resonate with you?  What lessons, knowledge and/or wisdom did you gain?  Leave any questions or comments down below!  Always remember, "Spread LOVE & LIGHT, and EVERYTHING will be alright!"


~o~ D33 ~o~


  • Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
  • Rumi Oracle
For other deck inspiration(s), click HERE.



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