Wednesday, December 11, 2019


We will conduct today's D.E.G #DEG using the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot and the Rumi Oracle.  Before we begin, don’t forget to take time to meditate in order to receive the message(s) meant for you.  Grab your supplies, and let’s get started.  First out from the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot is THE MAGICIAN.


Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot

The energy of THE MAGICIAN is saying you are the one (I) - master of your fate and co-creator of your destiny.  The power to manifest greatness is literally in your hand.  You must respect the power you have and only use it for good; else it may quickly turn venomous and light you up!  You have all the tools you need at your disposal (cup, sword, wand, pentacle).  The white lily is symbolic of purity, virtue and majesty.

Numerology:  One (I) represents new beginnings, starting anew, creation, independence, uniqueness, ambition & will power, self-leadership & assertiveness, instinct & intuition, and manifesting your own realities.  THE MAGICIAN is drawing number 29 in this deck.  The number 2 is about choices, balance, duality/polarity, harmony, companionship and union.  The number 9 (simply a reversed number 6 - love, beauty, etc.) represents universal love, karma, spiritual awakening/enlightenment, humanitarianism, light workers, self-sacrifice, destiny and fulfilling your soul's purpose.  Together, numbers 2 & 9 have the power/potential to become master number 11 (see notes from 38. THE COURAGE OF YOUR LOVE).



Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot

THE FOOL talks about taking a calculated risk.  Be adventurous and spontaneous.  However, understand that there are dangers and consequences that come with being reckless.  There is a difference between taking a BIG risk versus a calculated one.  Therefore, the snake advises of the ever-looming dangers of throwing caution to the wind.  Follow your intuition that is represented in the color yellow which is symbolic of the solar plexus chakra where it resides and gives you signs (AKA that "gut feeling").  Use your intuition as guidance and you will always be okay!

In this particular deck, THE FOOL is grounded and rooted, thereby stable in her decision-making with the red feather and stone/jewel around her neck.  She's also pure, virtuous and innocent with her white pearls around her neck (see notes on pearl colors underneath QUEEN OF CUPS).  The white tulip represents love, purity, innocence, worthiness, forgiveness, and humility.

If you know the story behind tarot, you know that THE FOOL (0) is the start of it all and almost like the main character of sorts for the story line of the major arcana.  This is represented in the number zero (0).  Zero (0) represents a continuous cycle, infinity/eternity, endings and beginnings.  Thus, you are being advised to be spontaneous, take a leap of faith, and maybe change directions, take another path/approach, or just try something new and different from the norm.

With THE FOOL being drawing number 33, this is representative of an Ascended Master or master teacher.  You have the energy of compassion, blessings, inspiration, discipline, honesty, bravery and courage.  Therefore, you have nothing to fear for taking this leap of faith.

Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot

There is no coincidence the cards come out the way they do.  The message is clear.  You must first end/complete certain cycles in order to begin anew starting with zero (0) or THE FOOL.  This explains why this is the overall energy.  Spirit is advising you that it is safe to jump, to fly, to reach the sky.  Cast all of your fears or worries aside.  Everything will be alright if you allow your intuition to be your guide.

Remain grounded and balanced mentally and emotionally in order to properly manifest your heart's desires which is ultimately your soul's purpose using THE MAGICIAN'S energy.  It is imperative to remain balanced/stable and to only use your power for good as not to cause harm because both THE FOOL & THE MAGICIAN energies reflect karma.  So, what goes around comes right back around to you.  Always be in a good head space and balanced emotionally because the power of your manifestation is amplified by your emotional state.  In other words, like I always say, "An attitude of gratitude will manifest in magnitudes!"  So, what you think and feel, so shall it be.  Thus, if you think negative and are feeling down, then that will be your reality.  On the flip side of the same token (duality), if you are vining high in gratefulness, then what is on your mind at the time will surely manifest.



Rumi Oracle

Your guardian angels, ancestors, and spirit guides are advising you that you are making THE RIGHT CHOICE.  Multiple messages are coming thru:
  1. You are THE RIGHT CHOICE!  CHOOSE YOU!  Put yourself first!  Love yourself enough to know you are worth the risk.  Use your magical powers to manifest your destiny.  Many of you are on your way along your spiritual awakening journey of enlightenment.  There is no coincidence that this card being number 29 comes out with THE MAGICIAN (I) which is also connected to number 29 (see explanation of numerology above underneath THE MAGICIAN).  This is a powerful synchronicity!
  2. Love/Romance:  Whatever decision you make in regards to your relationship is THE RIGHT CHOICE.  Whether you are single and decide to take a chance on this new love interest; in a relationship and deciding to take it to the next level; or in a toxic relationship and deciding to cut ties and put yourself first - you are making THE RIGHT CHOICE for you!
  3. Work/Business:  You may be deciding to take a new offer or sign a new contract.  You may be deciding this is not the job for you and want to change careers or go into business for yourself.  You may even want to begin a new project if you are already self-employed.  Whatever decision you are making, it is THE RIGHT CHOICE.
You are divinely guided and protected by your spirit squad.  Trust that they will not lead you astray, but, instead, show you the way.


The message of following your spirit squad on your path of spiritual enlightenment is really strong.  You have nothing left to hold on.  So, be THE FOOL and take that leap of faith.  You will not be disgraced.  For grace and mercy are forever in your favor.  Be THE MAGICIAN and refrain from heavy labor.  Divine intervention never waivers.  The cards don't lie and truly speak for themselves.  I strongly feel that spirit is pushing and daring you to choose yourself!

How does the D.E.G #DEG resonate with you?  What lessons, knowledge and/or wisdom did you gain?  Leave any questions or comments down below!  Always remember, "Spread LOVE & LIGHT, and EVERYTHING will be alright!"


~o~ D33 ~o~


  • Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
  • Rumi Oracle
For other deck inspiration(s), click HERE.



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