Friday, December 13, 2019


Continuing with the beautiful energy of this final full moon of the decade - full moon in Gemini - we will dive into the reading using the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot and the Rumi Oracle   So, remember to take time to meditate, grab your supplies, and let's get started.  First out from the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot is THE WORLD (XXI).


Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
THE WORLD is all about completing cycles.  It can be regarding literal world travel or traveling in general.  She is focusing on the road ahead.

This card gives Capricorn and Taurus vibes with the Earth energy for sure.  Earth signs include:  Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn.  The Earth elements are typically grounded, centered, logical and reasonable.  They rule the physical world.  The golden acorn and olive wreath/crown that adorns her hair is all about earthly possessions and material abundance.  The red flower and feather in her hair also embodies Earth energy symbolizing she is rooted or grounded.

Numerology:  Roman numerals XXI (X =  10; 2X = 20 = 2) which is about choices:
  • Where do you want to go?
  • What do you want to do?

It also signifies balance, union and companionship.  With the I = 1 following, the message is that you are completing cycles of either negative thinking; past toxic relationships/friendships/family-ships/situationships; leaving a job or closing a business and are becoming more balanced because you are unifying your Divine Feminine & Masculine energies within you.  Thereby, becoming one (I = 1).  Now, you are ready to take on THE WORLD!

Being drawing number 68 (6 + 8 = 14 = 5) is all about movement, change, and transformations.  We've already discussed you going through personal transformations to become balanced, stable, and grounded.  Now, you may literally travel the world or change locations, jobs, or relationship(s).  The number 6 is all about family/kids, love, beauty, and equal give and take (reciprocity).  So, you may very likely be changing up your personal/family/business relationships.  With the number 8, they will be abundant, eternal or ever-lasting.  You will experience growth and expansion or high-vibrational energies that are meant for you.



Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
With the IX (9) OF WANDS, You have fought long and hard for this.  You have gone through battles with some inner-demons, colleagues, family, friends and/or loved ones to get to where you are now.  You are nearing the end and have completed some very important karmic cycles and can now lay your burdens down.

With the IX OF WANDS being drawing number 1 and Roman numeral IX (9) (1 + 9 = 10 = 1), underscores the fact that you are at the end or completing a cycle or multiple cycles.  Also, looking at the Roman numerals, it's saying you are putting yourself first and ending this (these) cycle(s).  Now, you can begin anew with a new-found passion.  Now, it's time to heal, rest and rejuvenate.

Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
The combined energies are screaming 30 (21 + 9 = 30 = 3) energy and the fact that you are coming into balance mind, body, and spirit because you have worked hard for this.  So, you literally deserve THE WORLD.  THE WORLD is yours and can literally be in the palm of your hand if you manifest it.

The female on THE WORLD card has turned her back to her past trials and tribulations and is looking towards her dreams and aspirations.  She's not focused on any negativity from her past.  You should not be either.  In order to manifest greatness, you must live and learn from your past, but keep yourself in a  position to grow and prosper.  Do not get stuck in the negative, "woe is me", low-vibrational energy.  Move out of that vibe quickly so that you can fulfill your destiny.



Rumi Oracle
This oracle card speaks for itself and really underscores the last point made above underneath the collective energy.  13. ARISE is saying rise up out of whatever low-vibrational energy state you may have been in and get into gear.  Do not allow ego to keep you in fear and in hiding.  We all go through trials and tribulations, but the difference between a fighter and a quitter is their response.  Are you going to succumb to the illusion of devastation or are you going to possess the IX OF WANDS energy and fight teeth and nails to get up out of that depression and into the light?

Allow Spirit to be your guiding light and help you out of the darkness.  13. ARISE comes as advice and support that lets you know you have nothing to fear.  Spirit is always near.  They are letting you know that by spreading your love & light, everything will be alright!  Looking at numerology and the number 4, this card comes as advice that you will be stable, grounded and have a solid foundation.  The red in this card highlights the Root Chakra which is all about being grounded and foundational.  The white light is telling you to stay connected to the Divine.


This message could not have come at a better time from the Divine!  Now that we are in the energy realm of the final full moon of the decade, the energy that we received through these cards is a metaphor to the closing of some doors.  Bringing in 2020, we can open up more!  I hope you are ready for what 2020 has in store.  The manifestations that we are bound to make will last forever more.

I don't know about you, but I'm ready to see THE WORLD!  I'm ready to be that girl or woman for it is the Divine's plan.  I'm just a vessel to be used to hopefully show you how to move. So, let me be your muse!  Follow me as we use our creativity to blow this thing wide open and fulfill our destinies. What do we say along the way?  "Spread LOVE & LIGHT, and EVERYTHING will be alright!"

How does the D.E.G #DEG resonate with you?  What lessons, knowledge and/or wisdom did you gain?  Leave any questions or comments down below!


~o~ D33 ~o~


  • Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
  • Rumi Oracle
For other deck inspiration(s), click HERE.




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