Tuesday, December 10, 2019


We will conduct today's D.E.G #DEG using the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot and the Rumi Oracle.  Before we begin, don’t forget to take time to meditate in order to receive the message(s) meant for you.  Grab your supplies, and let’s get started.  First out from the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot is the EIGHT OF WANDS.


Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot

With the EIGHT OF WANDS, you're receiving a swift form of communication that is divine from the heavens above.  A revelation will shine light on how to make your next move.  This comes in quickly.  It may be advising you to move quickly.  You may be traveling overseas or over water, to the country, or anywhere.

Looking at numerology and the fact that the EIGHT OF WANDS in this deck is drawing number 32 is pretty significant.  Looking at the numbers individually, the number 3 represents the holy trinity and union of mind, body and spirit; harmony, and growth/expansion.  The number 2 represents balance, duality/polarity, companionship and union.  Together they are number 5 which has to do with transformation, change or movement.  So, you are likely changing directions, locations or scenery, or maybe even changing in regards to following what is near and dear to your heart.

The number VIII(8) (V = 5, I = 1; 5 + 3 = 8) is power, strength, coming full circle - cycles completing and beginning anew.  This move or revelation may be the key you need to start all over in a new location, with a new job, or in a new relationship.  If you are already in a relationship, then it can speak on renewal of the bond or connection.



Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot

The PAGE OF SWORDS tells you that you see clearly with your "one" eye (3rd eye) what is true to you.  You rely on your intuition to cut through the thickness of the dark illusionary clouds to seek the truth and the light.  You are rooted in your knowing and deeper understanding.  You relay your message(s) clearly and tenderly.  The chickadee symbolizes fearlessness and adaptability.  The purple peony represents wisdom and nobility.

With the PAGE OF SWORDS being drawing number 46 (4 + 6 = 10 = 1), and first looking at the numbers individually, number 4 is all about a solid foundation and stability where the number 6 is about balance, love, family and reciprocity.  Together, they equal 10 which is about completing cycles and beginning anew.  

The PAGE OF SWORDS advises you that news is on its way and will be crystal clear.  No doubt will be in your mind about it.  You will know whether or not to take another route.

Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot

With the combined energies of the EIGHT OF WANDS & PAGE OF SWORDS, you are most definitely receiving a divine revelation that is clear and true.  There will be no confusion behind it.  The PAGE OF SWORDS is looking towards the divine light coming from the EIGHT OF WANDS and using her intuition as guidance for her next move.  The two cards together are advising you to be fearless and move with passion and haste/swiftly.

Trust your intuition.  You have the knowledge and wisdom to discern what is meant for you.  Divine guidance is not confusing and will never leave you second guessing.  Remain true to you and your soul's desires.  Follow your heart and practice discernment.



Rumi Oracle

Your spirit squad is trying to show you a reflection of the power of your love.  By spreading your LOVE & LIGHT, you encourage others around you to do the same.  The power of LOVE & LIGHT has the ability to transform the world and is the key for incarnated souls to break every chain, especially generational curses that have kept some stuck here reliving their karmic cycles.  THE COURAGE OF YOUR LOVE has the power to affect masses.  You are being divinely guided to fulfill your soul's purpose this lifetime.

Many of you reading this have a soul-mate or divine life partner who is meant to assist you on your journey.  She/He is sent by the divine for this mission.  Together, THE COURAGE OF YOUR LOVE will stand the test of time.  Your relationship may be considered "unorthodox" to most who are of this world and don't know any better.  However, this oracle comes as advice to stand firm and solid in what you now to be true to your heart.  Be courageous in your love because it is true, pure, agape love.  You two are brought together to be a testament to the world that love has no bounds, doesn't discriminate, is unadulterated, is gender fluid, is pure and UNCONDITIONAL.

Looking at numerology, the number 38 holds the powers of number 3 and number 8; and, together, they have the potential to form master number 11.  As previously explained above, the number 3 represents the holy trinity and union of mind, body and spirit; harmony, and growth/expansion.  Number 8 is power, strength, coming full circle - cycles completing and beginning anew.  Master number 11 is all about spiritual enlightenment/awakening, balance, harmony, inspiration & intuition, illumination, self-expression & sensitivity, and mysticism.  Master number 11 is also known as "The Messenger" or "Teacher" and reflects on those who are here to be light-workers (inspirational guiding lights).  Their mission is to bring illumination to others and help raise spiritual awareness.


In whatever you do, BE COURAGEOUS when you move!  Don't allow anyone nor anything to get you out of your grove.  Move in the way spirit directs and guides you.  Stay connected and rely on your intuition.  This way you will never miss spirit's message.  Pay special attention to numbers and repetitive sequences.  Within them are messages that will lead you to a blessing.  Never underestimate the power behind your manifesting.  I pray that you understand the message that is here for you.  I hope that all your hopes, wishes, dreams and desires do come true.  Just remember that an attitude of gratitude will manifest magnitudes!

How does the D.E.G #DEG resonate with you?  What lessons, knowledge and/or wisdom did you gain?  Leave any questions or comments down below!  Always remember, "Spread LOVE & LIGHT, and EVERYTHING will be alright!"


~o~ D33 ~o~


  • Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
  • Rumi Oracle
For other deck inspiration(s), click HERE.



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