Friday, December 6, 2019



Welcome to today's D.E.G #DEG!  We will be working with the Everyday Tarot and the Runes Oracle Cards to interpret the energy for today.  The first card to flip is THE STAR.


Everyday Tarot
THE STAR is telling you that you are shining bright in your element.  You are making your wishes/dreams/desires come true.  This card is all about healing.  You are balancing yourself within and emotionally.  You are in your divine essence.  You have gone through great transformations along your spiritual journey.

THE STAR comes advising that this is a powerful time for inspired action by being your authentic self.  Be open to possibilities and stay true to yourself.  Have faith and trust in the universe, and you will share in its gifts and blessings.

If you break down THE STAR (XVII) based off of numerology:  
  • The X = 10 which is all about endings or completion of a cycle to begin a new and different cycle.  Reducing 10 to a single digit (10 = 1 + 0 = 1), and looking at each digit separately, 1 is all about new beginnings, starting anew, refreshing or rebirth. Looking at the 0, is speaking on endings and beginnings; completion of cycles and starting again; and eternity, infinity, or continuous cycles.
  • The V = 5 which is all about movement, change or transformation.
  • Finally, you have two of the I = 1 which individually I represents new beginnings, starting anew, refreshing, or rebirth as previously mentioned.  Together they reduce to a 2 which is all about balance and harmony, intuition, insight and duality (e.g. Divine Feminine (DF) & Divine Masculine (DM); Yin & Yang; light & dark).  The idea of duality is you can't have one without the other.  Side by side the I's create master number 11.  This, too, speaks on balance, enlightenment, spiritual journey, intuition, and psychic abilities among other things.
  • You almost always reduce a multi-digit number to a single digit:  10 + 5 + 1 + 1 = 17 = 8.  8 represents abundance and prosperity, inner-wisdom, infinity/eternal, inner-strength and confidence among many other things.*

*Generally in numerology you reduce double-digit numbers into a single-digit where the universal language lies between the numbers 0-9.  Typically, you do not reduce master numbers such as 11, 22, 33, etc.  Master numbers are simply the single digit in double-digit form as previously stated and many beg to differ whether anything above 22 is considered a master number.  Regardless, rely on your intuition to give you the message meant for you.  Multiple digits of the same number (e.g. master numbers or 11:11, 222, 333, etc.) tend to magnify the energy already within the number alone.



Everyday Tarot
The overall energy in the THREE OF CUPS is enjoying the sweet celebration with others.  This can be between you and your spirit squad or other members of a group, whether business or personal (e.g. family, friendship, or relationship/lover(s)).  You are celebrating emotional fulfillment whether in love/romance or job-related.  You are achieving great success and accomplishing goals.  The advice behind this card is to inspire one another to reach new heights.

Numerically speaking, the III = 3 represents the holy trinity; harmony; and the balance of mind, body, and spirit. Three (3) is also the number for communication, assistance, broadminded thinking, non-confrontational, self-expression, and manifesting your desires.

Everyday Tarot

The combined energies of THE STAR and the THREE OF CUPS accentuate one another:
  • Spiritually the two speak of you really coming into balance within yourself after going through tremendous personal transformations.  Now you realize that you are truly a star and your inner light shines bright.  So, you are celebrating the victory in your accomplishments with your angels, ancestors, spirit guides, family, friends, and loved ones who have assisted you along your journey.
  • Love/Romance they speak on the fact that your relationship is going or has gone through some amazing break throughs and much needed healing or mending.  Now you can celebrate the union with one another along with family and friends.
  • Business/Job-related they speak on celebrating the coming together of an idea or collaborating on a project or new business venture.  You are manifesting new hopes, dreams, or desires that are coming into fruition and you are seeing the benefits of your hard work paying off.
  • Numerically, they combine into the energies of master number 11 (8 + 3 = 11) which increases the magnitude and power of each of the previous categories because you are on another level of ascension on your spiritual journey.  You truly understand the power behind the energies of THE STAR and THREE OF CUPS.


Runes Oracle Cards
OTHILA (23) brings the vibes of an "old soul" and someone with a strong (good) head on their shoulders.  This/(These) individual(s) is(are) wealthy or prosperous.  Riches have been or will be attained.  You are building a solid and growing foundation for yourself and your family.  You have come into a nice inheritance and/or will pass on your wealth to your loved ones.

Looking at numerology, OTHILA (23), reduces to a 5 (2 + 3 = 5) which is all about movement, change and transformation as previously stated with THE STAR.  The number 5 also comes as guidance and a reminder to be grateful for the auspicious opportunities ahead of you.  Your spirit squad (your angels, ancestors, and spirit guides) is/(are) helping you to make positive, healthy lifestyle choices and changes that will enhance and benefit you in many ways whether spiritually, emotionally, or physically/mentally.


Meaning:  Nobility
Key word:  Tradition
Associations:  Wealth - above all, to what you inherit from your ancestors
Inspiration:  Blood ties, however problematic or intolerable, are still important and implicate you for all your life.  It's essential to recognize their value and start from your roots to develop your heritage that's rich and plentiful.
Suggestions for meditation:
  • Do you respect your ancestors and their traditions?
  • Which ties do you find difficult to abandon and which would it be wise to reconsider?
Power of the Rune:  OTHILA anchors you to your identity.  Also, reinforces blood ties and bestows well-being (restores identity - D33'z verbiage)


In viewing the energies collectively, you are being guided to take the necessary time to nurture yourself through this healing process and transformation.  Be gentle, loving, and kind to yourself during this renewal process.  It's all about change which means things are not meant to remain the same and that is perfectly okay and for your higher good.  Ultimately, you will be blessed and highly favored with gifts from the universe that will set you and your family up for generations to come.  The overall energy is to share the love and gratitude with the ones you love and who support you most.

How does the D.E.G #DEG resonate with you?  What lessons, knowledge and/or wisdom did you gain?  Leave any questions or comments down below!  If you would like to see yesterday's D.E.G #DEG, then click HERE.  Always remember, "Spread LOVE & LIGHT, and EVERYTHING will be alright!"


~o~ D33 ~o~


  • Everyday Tarot
  • Runes Oracle Cards
For further deck inspiration(s), click HERE.



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