Sunday, December 8, 2019


For this week’s TAROT TALK, I am using the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot and the Rumi Oracle decks.  Before we begin, don’t forget to take time to meditate in order to receive the message(s) meant for you.  Grab your supplies, and let’s get started.  First out from the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot is the DEATH card.


Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot

The DEATH card symbolizes you going through a beautiful transformation and dying to the old to make room for the new.  You’re being born again.  The caterpillar has morphed into the beautiful butterfly you see in her hair.  Because you have gone through the transformation, you are shielded or protected and are now the pure white rose in the concrete jungle (on the skeleton’s shield).  You put in work to get and remain grounded in your root chakra and to remain balanced within (Yin/Yang, Divine Feminine (DF)/Divine Masculine (DM)) represented by the two (2) red flowers.  The color red is symbolic of the root chakra which is at the base of your chakras; and the number two (2) is all about balance, alignment or union.  You surrender to the change and now beauty in a whole new world awaits beyond the horizon(s).



Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot

The KING OF CUPS represents emotional fulfillment.  Your heart wears the crown.  Your soul shines through and removes any darkness to allow your inner light to shine bright.  You are in tune with your intuition and are seeing things from a higher perspective.  This is what keeps you stable, grounded, and emotionally fulfilled.  You are the epitome of the lotus flower coming up beautifully out of the mud!  You have a big heart and are a very gentle person.  You rule with compassionate energy.  You also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve but stand firm in your emotions because you are balanced.

Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot

The combined energies of the DEATH & KING OF CUPS is very powerful with one being a major arcana (DEATH) and the other being a part of the royal court (KING OF CUPS).  They are speaking on the universe giving you ultimate emotional fulfillment by filling your cup with divine love.  This love comes from within and is achieved once you surrender to your old self.  The DEATH card is advising you to release any and all old ideations of who you proclaimed to be.  Cleanse yourself so that you can be healed and fulfilled emotionally.  Ruling from a place of love and compassion is what brings about change in the world.


Rumi Oracle

17. THE HUMAN GIFT holds a double message.  First, the divine is giving you the gift of eternal LOVE & LIGHT in order to bring you out of the shawdows of death/darkness into the light.  They are helping you along your spiritual journey to see that you are a gift.  The message behind the number eight (8 = 1+7) is that you are precious, powerful, strong and worthy despite your skeletons/past.  They are trying to usher you into the light to illuminate your gifts.

Secondly, you literally are THE HUMAN GIFT for the world to see that all you need is LOVE & LIGHT to transform and bring you out of the darkness.  This is symbolic of Christ.  The gift is eternal (8) because you are now on your spiritual journey (7) becoming one (1) within.  After the transformation, merging of the 1 + 7 = 8, you are stronger, more courageous, flying high and full of LOVE & LIGHT.  You see things from a higher perspective.  Your higher self is reminding you that you are THE HUMAN GIFT.


Collectively, these cards speak volumes and should be used as an excellent tour guide.  Understand that you are only a product of your environment or circumstance if you allow yourself to stay in a negative space instead of viewing things from a higher perspective.  As you evolve and grow, you learn to understand that we all have a past, but that shouldn't define you.  Your past should only help refine you!  Meaning, you live, you learn and you grow.  By definition, when you evolve, you go through a continuous cycle of transformations.  This means that something is constantly dying or being released in order to grow and make room for the new (you).

You no longer have to feel stuck in the shadows of darkness as long as you surrender to the DEATH process and allow yourself to heal.  Some things are more difficult to let go of, but why wouldn't you want to if you can refill your KING OF CUPS with agape love?!  The problem is we feel so emotionally attached or hold on to the fear of being hurt again.  Try to think of it like this:  spiritual growth is like a workout for the soul in that you're going to go through aches and pains in order to see the gains; but the end result will be well worth the tears and the pain.  It is ALL for your higher good!  Let's not get that misunderstood!

How does the D.E.G #DEG resonate with you?  What lessons, knowledge and/or wisdom did you gain?  Leave any questions or comments down below!  Always remember, "Spread LOVE & LIGHT, and EVERYTHING will be alright!"


~o~ D33 ~o~


  • Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
  • Rumi Oracle
For other deck inspiration(s), click HERE.



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