Saturday, December 7, 2019


Welcome to today's D.E.G. #DEG!  Before we begin, I want you to take a minute to meditate.  Take a few deep mindful breaths, inhaling deep through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.  Once you have all of your supplies (pen, paper, water/tea, phone - if it's not in your hand already), let's get right into it!  The card that flips is the NINE OF PENTACLES.


Everyday Tarot
The NINE OF PENTACLES is all about financial independence, material gain, achievements or wealth accumulation, and manifesting abundance.  You understand clearly how this is done.  You're grounded in your earthly energy (associated with signs:  Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).  You have a healthy relationship with money.  You are in harmony with your environment and enjoy the beauty in nature.  The NINE OF PENTACLES advises you to treat yourself and celebrate your achievements.
  • Love/Romance:  It indicates a stable and secure relationship that gives you the freedom, independence and support to pursue your dreams.
  • Work:  It represents success, prosperity, reward and achievement through hard work and professionalism.
Looking from a numerology vantage point:
  • I = 1 is all about new beginnings or starting fresh.
  • X = 10 encompasses the I and embodies the energy of 0 which signifies endings or completion of a cycle and beginning anew.  Zero (0) also represents the infinite or eternal.
  • So, with the two together in the form of IX = 9, it is speaking on:  faith, karma, spiritual enlightenment, generosity, creative abilities, inner-wisdom, the visionary, and nearing the end of a cycle.* 
Therefore, with the NINE OF PENTACLES energy, you are putting yourself first and have a new understanding of money matters and attaining material abundance.  You see things more clearly since you possess inner-wisdom, creative abilities and are a visionary.  You have completed a cycle and are grounded.  Thus, by the law of karma, you shall reap what you sow and what you give through generosity is what you shall receive.  This is great energy to have in a reading.



Everyday Tarot
THE STAR is telling you that you are shining bright in your element.  You are making your wishes/dreams/desires come true.  This card is all about healing.  You are balancing yourself within and emotionally.  You are in your divine essence.  You have gone through great transformations along your spiritual journey.

THE STAR comes advising that this is a powerful time for inspired action by being your authentic self.  Be open to possibilities and stay true to yourself.  Have faith and trust in the universe, and you will share in its gifts and blessings.

If you break down THE STAR (XVII) based off of numerology:  
  • The X = 10 which is all about endings or completion of a cycle to begin a new and different cycle.  Reducing 10 to a single digit (10 = 1 + 0 = 1), and looking at each digit separately, 1 is all about new beginnings, starting anew, refreshing or rebirth. Looking at the 0, is speaking on endings and beginnings; completion of cycles and starting again; and eternity, infinity, or continuous cycles.
  • The V = 5 which is all about movement, change or transformation.
  • Finally, you have two of the I = 1 which individually I represents new beginnings, starting anew, refreshing, or rebirth as previously mentioned.  Together they reduce to a 2 which is all about balance and harmony, intuition, insight and duality (e.g. Divine Feminine (DF) & Divine Masculine (DM); Yin & Yang; light & dark).  The idea of duality is you can't have one without the other.  Side by side the I's create master number 11.  This, too, speaks on balance, enlightenment, spiritual journey, intuition, and psychic abilities among other things.
  • You almost always reduce a multi-digit number to a single digit:  10 + 5 + 1 + 1 = 17 = 8.  8 represents abundance and prosperity, inner-wisdom, infinity/eternal, inner-strength and confidence among many other things.*

*Generally in numerology you reduce double-digit numbers into a single-digit where the universal language lies between the numbers 0-9.  Typically, you do not reduce master numbers such as 11, 22, 33, etc.  Master numbers are simply the single digit in double-digit form as previously stated and many beg to differ whether anything above 22 is considered a master number.  Regardless, rely on your intuition to give you the message meant for you.  Multiple digits of the same number (e.g. master numbers or 11:11, 222, 333, etc.) tend to magnify the energy already within the number alone.

Everyday Tarot
The combined energies of the NINE OF PENTACLES (IX) & THE STAR (XVII) tells you that:

  • Spiritually you are going through a great healing and transformation, but will be greatly rewarded because of the inner-wisdom you have gained.  Enjoy the abundance of your success and the fact that you have achieved independence and freedom.
  • Love/Romance you are healing your relationship or your relationship is going through a major transformation.  Now, you and your partner see one another from a higher perspective and encourage one another to pursue your independent dreams or desires.  Although you may have separate dreams in certain things, you are supportive of one another's endeavors.
  • Business/Job-related through your transformation you are using your creative abilities to create opportunities of abundance for yourself.  You may be deciding to go into business for yourself.  There may be an idea or project that you are manifesting solo.  It will bring you financial abundance and prosperity.

You are reaping the benefits of and are receiving blessings for what you have sown.  You have put in the hard work.  Now, enjoy your abundance.  Treat yourself.  Shower yourself.

The combined energies, numerically, are 9 + 8 = 17 = 8.  Always remember any number with the number nine is simply that number any time you reduce it (e.g. 39 = 3 + 9 = 12 = 1+ 2 = 3).  Eight (8) is all about abundance, infinity or eternity, manifesting wealth, inner-strength, self-empowerment and confidence.


Runes Oracle Cards
FEHU (1) brings forth the energy of setting boundaries, protecting what you have earned/gained/created.  You have built a happy, stable home and are peaceful and satisfied.

Numerically, FEHU (1) speaks on the importance of continuously reevaluating your boundaries because you may need to set new ones as you level up on your ascension journey.  You may have to adjust a post or two to secure your foundation and ensure all are supporting one another in protecting what you have built.


Meaning:  Livestock
Key Word:  Structure
Associations: Home & family; abundance, wealth, fertility
Inspiration:  Well-being, confidence and strength - ideal for conditions for realizing our dreams.  Family and possessions are starting points (rather than end points) and we have the stability needed to organize the future and expand our horizons.  Actions are well thought out and dictated by calm and foresight.
Meditation Suggestions:  Reflect upon the center of your life:
  • What have you achieved and what are you missing?
  • What is precious to you and needs to be protected?
  • What must you do to grow further?
Power of the Rune:  FEHU represents strength.  The energy of FEHU helps build something long-lasting.


As you progress on your spiritual journey, always remember to be gentle, kind and loving to yourself because you will go through a continuous cycle of transformations.  This is essential to ascend, grow, learn and change as you level up.  Things are not meant to stay the same which is why it is called evolution.  Therefore, what resonates with you individually is ever-changing.  Setting boundaries is vital to protecting your energy as well as your material possessions.  In order to attain independence and liberate yourself from society's stronghold of illusions, you must be balanced and stable within.  A solid, grounded foundation is how to attain material wealth.

As the saying goes, "Secure the bag!".  In every sense of each word, make sure you protect what you work hard to achieve.  I am not just speaking about protecting your riches, but most importantly, protecting your aura from energy vampires.  Your energy should be at an all-time high to manifest all of your heart's desires rapidly.  Abundance follows the flow of LOVE & LIGHT.

How does the D.E.G #DEG resonate with you?  What lessons, knowledge and/or wisdom did you gain?  Leave any questions or comments down below!  Always remember, "Spread LOVE & LIGHT, and EVERYTHING will be alright!"


~o~ D33 ~o~


  • Everyday Tarot
  • Runes Oracle Deck
For other deck inspiration(s), click HERE.




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