Friday, October 4, 2019


Crystal Mandala Oracle by Alana Fairchild


Standing in the strength we both knew we inherited from cr8tion.*
Realizing the power of manifestation that we share forever & ever AMEN!

Wait!  What man?!  Oh, you haven't heard?!
Thought you knew the word.
That man fly as a Jay bird!
I heard the word and word is he came soaring through the sky.
Flying so high with wings on FYE, burning with desires!
Phoenix in the flesh - fresh to death; 
unstoppable in this realm after his rebirth.
Dedicated to burning his imprint here on earth:

To leave an everlasting memory & generational wealth for his family.
To establish his kingdom and reign supreme in all of his glory.
To affect hearts, minds, and souls of the lost, broken, and weary.
To sit on his throne, yet not alone because to his right is his love-dove...his Queen.

Together they shine bright like Citrine!**

Legacy Of The Divine Tarot by Ciro Marchetti

*cr8tion is intentionally written in this way because not only is the number 8 significant to me as it is my life path number (refer to the study of numerology to figure yours if you are interested) and birth month (August), but it is the symbol of strength, eternity, alpha & omega, infinity - among many other meanings.  Thus, it is a POWERFUL number and honestly magnifies and embodies the original word "creation" all at once.

**Citrine is a well-known crystal used for various healing purposes.  It is especially used to cleanse and promote chakra healing.  You may use this crystal to attract prosperity, wealth, abundance as well as self-healing and self-confidence.

For more tarot or oracle card inspiration, visit HERE.

What crystals/stones are your favorite to work with?  What crystals/stones are you interested in learning about?  What qualities/characteristics would you like to strengthen within yourself?  Drop a comment below and let me know!



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