Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Let's take a minute to reflect on how our communication has been over the past week or so.  Have you been feeling ready to blow, like really let go?  Have your words not come out quite right?  A mess of jumbled confusion one may think, but this mercury retrograde just may have you in a pinch!

If you haven't heard, the energy behind this retrograde has everything to do with the way we communicate whether it be verbally face to face, electronically via email or text, or even in writing such as this or a letter.  Things may get a little mucked up to say the least!  Don't be surprised if the true intention behind your message is misconstrued or not valued!  Allow this to serve as a PSA (public service announcement) for those of you who already have a little stench about the tongue AKA "foul-mouth".  Be careful of what you say and how you say it especially during this retrograde period which is technically from October 31st thru November 20th, but the shadow period may swing well into the middle of December.

Don't be surprised if some forms of communication literally get lost in translation and transition.  For example, if you are sending an email, it may get lost in space - electronic space that is!  You will swear up and down that you clicked the send button, and I'm not doubting that you do, but due to the energy of this retrograde the recipient may never receive it.  If you are mailing a letter, it may get lost at a post office depot.  Who knows?!  The methods are endless.  Just remember I told you about this!

Try not to look at it as such a bad thing because for my foul-mouth friends this energy may very well save you from heartache and pain.  Either way there is ALWAYS a lesson to learn and a blessing to gain!  For now, I want you to sit back, relax, and enjoy a little poetry below that will hopefully help you recognize proper ways to communicate; and things you may want to let go of in order to have a healthy relationship with your friends, family, and/or significant other.

“OH, NO!  WHOA!”

OH, NO!  WHOA!  I’m ready to blow…
...go…flow…ride the wave though.
Don’t let them drive you insane, yo!
Keep them brain cells strong.
Don’t let them tell you it’s wrong.
How am I wrong just because I got your mind blown?

OH, NO!  WHOA!  Calmate…It’s OK though.
It should never be this way, yo.
Hollering and screaming to get your way…NOOOO.
Just take it slow.
Feel the flow of energy, yo.
Don’t let your focus go.
Hold your concentration…GO!

Feel the way your mind slows…
…goes into another dimension so that you can release good intentions.
Like on a righteous mission to gain more wisdom.
The wisdom to help you grow so you know how to avoid the woes;
And keep going with the flow.
For everyone knows how stomach dropping it is to hear,
 “OH, NO!  WHOA!”

In what ways can you improve your communication with others?  What tips or tricks have helped you discover better ways to communicate with others?  Let me know below!



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