Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Never did I imagine falling in love with the outside world.  By outside world, I truly mean the world outside of my mind - Mother Nature, also known as, the Divine Mother.  If you have not read my tribute to her, please check it out HERE.

She's gorgeous in every way!  Just being around her and surrounded by her brightens my day.  So, there is no way I can go without giving thanks and paying tribute in whatever way(s) spirit sees fit.  Below is a short clip of me doing just that on one of my many walks on the wild side!

Trust me, if you have yet to become a tree hugger, then I strongly suggest you try it!  I'm telling you, it just may change your life!  Stop worrying about what people may think or say.  They are not truly loving you anyway because if they are, then they would be telling you this or pushing you to be your very best.  Instead, they frown upon you and look down on it simply because they lack the understanding.

If you can't tell, I'm past the point of giving two flying flips!  I know many won't get it!  I'm not going to trip!  It's their fault if they miss it!  Divine LOVE is out there for the taking.  You just have to make your mind up to stop faking!  Don't worry, I'll be patiently waiting!  Don't waiver; just keep it steady. Call on me when you're ready!

Always remember, "Spread LOVE & LIGHT, and EVERYTHING will be alright!"  ~D33

Are you a tree hugger?  Don't be a booger.  Gain some nourishment from the Divine Mother.  If you decide to try it or have already, then comment down below and share your thoughts and feelings behind it!



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