Thursday, October 24, 2019



Your light’s flame is not to blame for scaring away the lames.
Such a shame, but you are not the one to blame.
A light so bright within such a beautiful dame.
They tried desperately to contain your flame(s).
But little do they know, the more they blow it will disturb your flow.
And then, OH, NO! There she go!…
Better watch out ‘cause she’s about to blow!
Blow their cover that they try to use to smother;
But, oh brother, there goes another!

Poor helpless soul with so many woes.
All because he claims he doesn’t know.
If you don’t know, then there’s no way you can show.
You must find a way to grow.
For to grow and show is to know and WHOA!
Mind blown yet?!  Don’t fret!
You must not forget.
If you want to cash in on that bet to get what she lets;
Then, you must respect the heat from the dame’s flame.
Because her light you shall not tame.
Don’t even try, it won’t be the same.

So, please, refrain from playing any games.
She will quickly spot a lame.
For she refuses to go back down memory lane.
Especially if that means putting out her flame.
For she is not meant to be contained.
She rides her own lane.
Bright lights in your eyes and everything.
Just blame it on her light’s flame!

Are you willing to let your light's flame grow?  If so, let me know below!




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