Monday, October 28, 2019


Photo by Designed By Dreams Photography


Vast field of yellow...HELLO, FELLOW!
Nice to meet you!
How’s the wind treatin’ you?!
I hope you sway so free like the largest tree you ever did see!
Like De’Angelo says, “How does it feel?!”
Is it real?...your free will...that chooses to move or be still.
Like DUDE, chill!

Do you go where the wind blows?
Do you unfold under the sun’s glow?
Do your petals reach the flow…
Flow of abundance, flow of wonderings, 
flow of everlasting that leads to a creative rhythm where together with power, wisdom, 
and ultimate intuition an empire unfolds…
BEHOLD!, that vast field of yellow...hello, fellow!

Photo by Designed By Dreams Photography

My, how you have grown from the little mustard seed that was sown.
I am grateful for your strength, your wit, and pure resilience.
Grateful that despite my faults you are able to see past it.
To the depths of my soul your light shines so bright.
So with great delight, I present my greatest self with all my might.
Bow down before me as I accept my crown in halo form of which all of my golden yellow pedals I do adorn.

Photo by Designed By Dreams Photography

To the fruits of my loin, I give the power.
Use it to be the GREATEST SUNFLOWER!

Can you relate to the power of the SUNFLOWER?  Do you desire to seek truth and light?  If so, let me know below!




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