Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Never did I imagine falling in love with the outside world.  By outside world, I truly mean the world outside of my mind - Mother Nature, also known as, the Divine Mother.  If you have not read my tribute to her, please check it out HERE.

She's gorgeous in every way!  Just being around her and surrounded by her brightens my day.  So, there is no way I can go without giving thanks and paying tribute in whatever way(s) spirit sees fit.  Below is a short clip of me doing just that on one of my many walks on the wild side!

Trust me, if you have yet to become a tree hugger, then I strongly suggest you try it!  I'm telling you, it just may change your life!  Stop worrying about what people may think or say.  They are not truly loving you anyway because if they are, then they would be telling you this or pushing you to be your very best.  Instead, they frown upon you and look down on it simply because they lack the understanding.

If you can't tell, I'm past the point of giving two flying flips!  I know many won't get it!  I'm not going to trip!  It's their fault if they miss it!  Divine LOVE is out there for the taking.  You just have to make your mind up to stop faking!  Don't worry, I'll be patiently waiting!  Don't waiver; just keep it steady. Call on me when you're ready!

Always remember, "Spread LOVE & LIGHT, and EVERYTHING will be alright!"  ~D33

Are you a tree hugger?  Don't be a booger.  Gain some nourishment from the Divine Mother.  If you decide to try it or have already, then comment down below and share your thoughts and feelings behind it!



Monday, October 28, 2019


Photo by Designed By Dreams Photography


Vast field of yellow...HELLO, FELLOW!
Nice to meet you!
How’s the wind treatin’ you?!
I hope you sway so free like the largest tree you ever did see!
Like De’Angelo says, “How does it feel?!”
Is it real?...your free will...that chooses to move or be still.
Like DUDE, chill!

Do you go where the wind blows?
Do you unfold under the sun’s glow?
Do your petals reach the flow…
Flow of abundance, flow of wonderings, 
flow of everlasting that leads to a creative rhythm where together with power, wisdom, 
and ultimate intuition an empire unfolds…
BEHOLD!, that vast field of yellow...hello, fellow!

Photo by Designed By Dreams Photography

My, how you have grown from the little mustard seed that was sown.
I am grateful for your strength, your wit, and pure resilience.
Grateful that despite my faults you are able to see past it.
To the depths of my soul your light shines so bright.
So with great delight, I present my greatest self with all my might.
Bow down before me as I accept my crown in halo form of which all of my golden yellow pedals I do adorn.

Photo by Designed By Dreams Photography

To the fruits of my loin, I give the power.
Use it to be the GREATEST SUNFLOWER!

Can you relate to the power of the SUNFLOWER?  Do you desire to seek truth and light?  If so, let me know below!




Thursday, October 24, 2019



Your light’s flame is not to blame for scaring away the lames.
Such a shame, but you are not the one to blame.
A light so bright within such a beautiful dame.
They tried desperately to contain your flame(s).
But little do they know, the more they blow it will disturb your flow.
And then, OH, NO! There she go!…
Better watch out ‘cause she’s about to blow!
Blow their cover that they try to use to smother;
But, oh brother, there goes another!

Poor helpless soul with so many woes.
All because he claims he doesn’t know.
If you don’t know, then there’s no way you can show.
You must find a way to grow.
For to grow and show is to know and WHOA!
Mind blown yet?!  Don’t fret!
You must not forget.
If you want to cash in on that bet to get what she lets;
Then, you must respect the heat from the dame’s flame.
Because her light you shall not tame.
Don’t even try, it won’t be the same.

So, please, refrain from playing any games.
She will quickly spot a lame.
For she refuses to go back down memory lane.
Especially if that means putting out her flame.
For she is not meant to be contained.
She rides her own lane.
Bright lights in your eyes and everything.
Just blame it on her light’s flame!

Are you willing to let your light's flame grow?  If so, let me know below!




Saturday, October 19, 2019



Deeper than what the eyes can see and the skin can feel.
You know like past the very bottom:
Beyond the depths;
Beyond the frets;
Beyond the worries & regrets;
Beyond all that you try so hard to forget!
There is a place, a sacred space,
 where some say you may find a trace.
A trace so small yet greater in comparison to a mustard seed.
Once planted it will indeed feed the need.
If your soul desires it shall neither hunger nor thirst anymore.
For what I have in store is greater than forever more and purer than the whitest dove.

If you have not already checked out the video link above,
click on it to see how to discover your deepest love.
Is it tighter than O.J. Simpson's glove?
If so, you need to try to fix it.
Like they say, "If it don't fit, you must acquit!"
Come on!, you already have a hand in it.
Nah, let me quit and chill before I have many in their feels.
If you watch in its entirety and don't feel what's REALLY real;
then come back here, leave a comment, and let's make a deal!

I guarantee you won't regret it.
This is bound to be a message you won't forget.
Just because it may not be something that you're use to, 
doesn't mean the message isn't meant for you.
Try to keep an open mind.
The message is not hard to find.
For it is made very clear by the Divine.
This message is timeless; so, it will withstand the test of time.
So, if you're not ready now, then you can come back any time.
That will be fine!
I just want to help you shine!

If you really dig down deep...
like DEEP, DEEP, DEEP...
then, you will see.
You will see that all you need is to set your spirit free.
Free to open up and receive especially if you're struggling, G!
So, stop trying to shove your hand in that glove,
and come see how I find MY DEEPEST LOVE!


If you are interested or want further information regarding the decks I use in the video, follow the links below:

  • Messages of Life
  • Legacy of the Divine Tarot
  • Earth Warriors Oracle
  • Crystal Mandala Oracle
  • Whispers of Lord Ganesha

How deep will you go for love?  Drop me a comment down below!



Sunday, October 13, 2019


Photo credit:  Designed by Dreams Photography


ALAS...what does that word truly mean?

I think they got lazy, if you ask me!
Alas is simply short for AT LAST, you see.
I like to use acronyms for my definitions.
So, sit back, relax and listen!

"A" is for ALAS.
Now, before you try to come beat my ass, 
I realize TECHNICALLY one shouldn't use the word in the definition.
Like I said, "RELAX!", this is my rendition.

"L" is for LOVE.
So sweet and pure, I always picture a beautiful white dove.
Wings spread ready to soar to shower you with its' agape love.
You are now adorned!

"A" is for ABUNDANTLY.
This is the vision everyone wishes to see.
It is also where they dream to be, so freely.
Hold on to that vision, homie!
One day it may be your moment.

"S" is for STREAMS.
Do you remember that dream?
Where you fly so high that you surpass the stars in the sky.
Thus, ascending into another galaxy where time never passes you by.

It's a completely different realm.
One the world wouldn't even believe on film.
This is the perfect realm where you can shout without a doubt, 
"ALAS!, LOVE ABUNDANTLY STREAMS! For I am living the dream!"
Now, let your love stream and dare to dream.
One day, you will see what I mean!


What does ALAS mean to you?  What does PURE love make you do?  Leave me a comment, and I'll get back to you!  Thank you for the view!

If you are interested in the information from the floetry video above, explore the links below:
DONATIONS ARE WELCOME!! THANK YOU IN ADVANCE! BLESSINGS AND LOVE RECIPROCATED TENFOLD! paypal.me/D33ZD1V1N1TY Cashapp: $D33ZD1V1N1TY To book a reading with me, email me: d33zd1v1n1ty@gmail.com

Check out my wishlist HERE! In case you want further guidance or are interested in the decks I use in this video: 1. Messages of Life 2. Rumi Oracle


Saturday, October 12, 2019


**Earth Warriors Oracle by Alana Fairchild


Enjoy the sound of the trees,
 the leaves that weave in between one another; 
that come straight from the divine mother!

Feel the wind that transcends and tries to blend the sweet harmonious sounds from deep within.

Itʼs a trend!
Donʼt depend on the illusions from the outside world.
Only focus on the truth seeker you possess within.
Let spirit be your friend!
Trust me, it will all work out for your greater good in the end, 
my friend!

For what is inside you comes from the MOTHER.
Itʼs a passion like no other.
Simply put, itʼs waaaaay deeper than you can fathom.
It may have you playing the game “Would You Rather...?”
Just thinking about the infinite possibilities
 of the limitless divinities 
and being overly grateful for the simplicities; 
yet leaving you stunned because theyʼre such a mystery.
Itʼs such a gift you see!
To be of the divinity - the holy trinity, 
not in lust but a great affinity.

Wow!, what this means to me.
To come from the MOTHER is a dream:

Majesty at its finest.
Overjoyed by divine essence!
Truth exudes from your guiding light.
Heavenly angels protect you through the night.
Exuberant in all your might.
Restoration and rejuvenation you provide to those in strife.

These gifts I give thanks to the divine MOTHER, 

for there is no other!

**From Earth Warriors Oracle Guidebook by Alana Fairchild:

"You are Kaitiaki, guardian of the Divine Feminine.  Your relationship with Mother Earth, Papatūānuku, is sacred, empowering and healing.  You are destined to become more spiritually intimate with her, sharing in her creative potency and wisdom.  Lean into her and trust in her support, even as you serve her by courageously voicing truth.  She is your great ally, friend and healer, and as you dedicate yourself to her, she dedicates herself to you."

This oracle card advises you to "make peace and let go of past issues around being abandoned or not understood or of feeling unsupported, as those experiences need no longer colour your worldview."  You are right where you need to be in life.  So what you are sensitive, as you should be!  Please take this message and the words from my poetry and understand that it is ok to feel the way you feel.  Do not be too harsh on yourself and please do not judge yourself for your sensitivities.  You are made uniquely you for a reason.  Connect with the Divine MOTHER if you ever feel alone.  Remember the feeling of being alone is the ego playing tricks on you trying to keep you imprisoned and seemingly feeling safe and secure; but do not fall for the illusion.  Feeling uncomfortable fosters change which leads to growth, and that is the mission of your soul!  Let's go and grow!

"Spread LOVE & LIGHTand EVERYTHING will be alright!" ~D33'Z D!V!N!TY

In what way(s) do you connect with Mother Earth?  How do you set your spirit free?  Comment down below and chat with me!



Friday, October 11, 2019


Dress shirt is part of altered apparel by UNEEK DEZINS


Thankful for so many blessings.
Grateful that you all are showing me the way.
Anxious to unlock all within and let my light shine.
Glorified by your majesty.
Amazed by your beauty.
Abundant with joy that you see value in me.
I am grateful for the opportunity to serve.
Use me to spread love and laughter.
Use me to uplift, encourage, enlighten, educate, nurture and love.

I am in awe of your grace.
I thank you for keeping me safe.
I thank you for your whisper.
I thank you for your love.
I bathe in your excellence and exuberance.
I am mystifying.
I am angelic.
I am blessings in action.
I am grateful.
Abundantly overjoyed.
The spirit within me smiles big and bright.

What are you thankful for?  Let me know below.



Saturday, October 5, 2019


"Soul-Full Rise, Sunshine"


If you prefer to hear the spoken word in the form of floetry, then check out the video below:

Oh my!, how you shine so divine like a first time LOVE of mine!
As you peak through the DREAMY clouds, 
it makes me so proud to see how u stick out from the crowd.
Your glow stretches so much so that you make the world lose control.
WHOOOA, hold on! Your vibrations are strong.

For it’s strength that you embody.
Along the lines of exotic.
You reign SUPREME not erotic.
That’s it! You got it!
Don’t think about it.
Mental turmoil clouds your focus.
Sit back and meditate.
Grab your locus!

Now breathe in real deep and hold it.
Then, slowly breathe out...blow it.
Release all those toxins!
Release all that smothers you.
For nothing should bother you.
Heal from inside.
What do you have to fear this time?

What if there were no tomorrow?
Then, you would try to steal back all the time you supposedly borrowed.
Get rid of all that sorrow!
Your days will be brighter once you’ve moved on.
End the abuse, hun, before you’re forced to pick up that gun.
Talking bout let’s have some fun!
Well, how 'bout it!? Let’s get rowdy!

Rowdy for LOVE! Rowdy for joy!
Rowdy for the one who makes me scream, “OH, BOY!”
Clear the vibe, awake inside!
Don’t have too much pride!
Realize this is not a sprint; it’s a MARATHON!
Your destiny is mine:
to reach the oh so joyous,

What will fill your soul?  Do you truly know?  If there were no tomorrow, then what would you do to make your soul scream happily?!  Drop a comment below and let me know!



Friday, October 4, 2019


Crystal Mandala Oracle by Alana Fairchild


Standing in the strength we both knew we inherited from cr8tion.*
Realizing the power of manifestation that we share forever & ever AMEN!

Wait!  What man?!  Oh, you haven't heard?!
Thought you knew the word.
That man fly as a Jay bird!
I heard the word and word is he came soaring through the sky.
Flying so high with wings on FYE, burning with desires!
Phoenix in the flesh - fresh to death; 
unstoppable in this realm after his rebirth.
Dedicated to burning his imprint here on earth:

To leave an everlasting memory & generational wealth for his family.
To establish his kingdom and reign supreme in all of his glory.
To affect hearts, minds, and souls of the lost, broken, and weary.
To sit on his throne, yet not alone because to his right is his love-dove...his Queen.

Together they shine bright like Citrine!**

Legacy Of The Divine Tarot by Ciro Marchetti

*cr8tion is intentionally written in this way because not only is the number 8 significant to me as it is my life path number (refer to the study of numerology to figure yours if you are interested) and birth month (August), but it is the symbol of strength, eternity, alpha & omega, infinity - among many other meanings.  Thus, it is a POWERFUL number and honestly magnifies and embodies the original word "creation" all at once.

**Citrine is a well-known crystal used for various healing purposes.  It is especially used to cleanse and promote chakra healing.  You may use this crystal to attract prosperity, wealth, abundance as well as self-healing and self-confidence.

For more tarot or oracle card inspiration, visit HERE.

What crystals/stones are your favorite to work with?  What crystals/stones are you interested in learning about?  What qualities/characteristics would you like to strengthen within yourself?  Drop a comment below and let me know!

